Sabri Header1 Sabri Hakim: 10 min ride

Thursday, October 06, 2005

10 min ride

I get to work 10 minutes early so I decide to go for a 10 min ride. I hate the gardens street, I hate seeing people yawn when I want to, I hate wanting to turn back home, I hate wandering off so early. 5 minutes later, an old man approached the window of my car, dressed in blue, had a white beard and torn apart slippers on, held Al-Dostoor Newspaper “Read about the American who pointed a gun at kids” he says, I peaked at the picture trying to avoid direct sunlight, had a few flash backs of yesterdays series Hour il 3een and Tareek il Wa3er, smiled at him, he smiles back with the 6 of his remaining teeth. Goddamn telecommunications, digital broadcasting, foreign policy, the UN, the conspiracy theories, the US dollar and globalization they’ve just ruined my morning.


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